Tax Exempt (Charitable) Property

Pursuant to New Hampshire RSA 72:23-VI, 72:23-c and 72:23-k,l,m, religious, educational and charitable organizations are required to file annually and on a timely basis the A-9 and A-12 and a copy of the organization’s most recent financial statement in order to receive an exemption and/or partial exemption from real estate taxes.

Religous organizations are only required to file an A-9 form to be filed with this office on or before April 15th of each year.

Organizations requesting exemption due to RSA72:23 V (Charitable), in addition to the A-9 form you must also provide the A-12 form and a copy of your financial statements for the preceding fiscal year, including audited financial statements and/or IRS Form 990(EZ) if filed.  The A-9 is due April 15th and the A-12 and financial documents are due by June 1st of each year.

Forms are available on the NH state website and can be submitted any time prior to the April 15th deadline. All documents must be timely filed in order to ensure continuance of the exempt status.  Organizations must refile every year to maintain their exempt status.