Broadview Farm

Broadview Farm
Broadview in the spring

Property Name: Broadview Farm

Location: Center of Town, Young Road

Access Via: Young Road or Cross Road

Description: Rolling agricultural land, open fields, small pond, stream, wooded area, thorn bush jungle

Size: 78 Acres

Public Uses: Hiking, Cross Country Skiing, Nature, Camping for organized youth groups, and Fishing.


Camping at Broadview: The camping area is located about 1/2 mile from the main parking area on Young Road. It is accessible from two foot trails. The camping area contains tent platforms, a fire ring, dining pavilion, and outhouse. There is no drinking water available at the site.

Camping Policy:

  1. Camping is allowed only at the designated camping area.
  2. No vehicles are allowed on the property, except in the parking area.
  3. You must reserve the camping area with the Conservation Commission. Please email -
  4. All fires require a fire permit from the Derry Fire Department.
  5. Campfires must use an existing fire ring.
  6. All fires must be completely extinguished before leaving.
  7. All trash must be carried out and disposed of properly.
  8. An adult must be present with any camping group.

Community Gardens: Plots in the community gardens are available to Derry residents. The gardens are tilled each spring. Water is available from a well using a hand pump. Several handicapped garden boxes which are accessible to person in a wheelchair are also available. Please contact Will Lowenthal (978)-239-8025 or email us if you have any questions.  Use this form to reserve a plot.  Plots are available on a first come first server basis.

  • Garden Plots: Individual garden plots are 10’ X 20’ with 4’ to 7’ walking paths between plots. Gardeners may use up to three (3) plots.
  • Garden Well: Garden well with hand pump is for watering plants only. Do not use as drinking water.
  • Pest Control: Individual gardeners are responsible for controlling pests on their plots. If pests are not controlled they can quickly spread to other gardeners’ plots.
  • Abandoned Plots: Any garden plots abandoned for three (3) weeks will be tilled under. This is necessary to prevent weeds and pests from spreading to adjoining plots.
  • Perennial Plants: Please avoid planting perennial plants. The gardens are turned under each fall to control weeds and pests.
  • Organic Refuse: Please place weeds and other organic materials in designated compost bin areas.
  • Rocks: Please place any rocks in designated rock pile areas.

History: Acquired in 1998 using proceeds of a bond authorized by the Town Council for open space preservation. Broadview Farm was formerly a working dairy farm. The land and buildings fell into a state of severe disrepair when the owner passed away.

Click here for a G.I.S. map of the property.

The Broadview Farm Sub-Committee has burned and demolished the buildings and removed or buried the debris. Click the following links for pictures:

Improvements on the property were accomplished largely with volunteer labor from the Broadview Farm committee members, local citizens, and youths from the Jobstart program, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Girl Scouts. Portions of the farm are again planted with hay and corn. A sign, foot trails and a camping area with tent platforms, outhouse, and dining pavilion have been constructed by local Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts.

The Zarba family has generously donated an access easement across their property from Cross Road. A sign on Cross Road and trail from Cross Road to the existing trail system were completed in the spring of 2006. When visiting Broadview Farm from Cross Road, Please respect the rights of the property owners and stay on the trail until you reach Broadview Farm. Broadview Farm property begins at the remains of a stonewall and is marked by a small white circular signs that read: "Town of Derry Conservation Area"

Management: The Broadview Farm Property is managed by a separate Sub Committee of the Conservation Commission. This body consists of eight members (2 from the conservation commission, 6 appointed from the general public).

The Mission Statement of the Broadview Farm Management Sub-committee: To preserve and protect the natural ecosystems of the Broadview Farm property and to encourage appreciation and educational adventures that celebrate the world outdoors.

Additional Proposed Uses Include:

  • Nature center
  • Additional hiking and cross country skiing on self guided nature trails
  • Nursery of plants indigenous to the area for the enjoyment of the public
  • Education resource for local schools
  • Christmas tree farm - Proceeds to be used by the Conservation Commission to purchase additional land or easements
  • Tree Farm to grow shade trees to line Derry streets


Updated 6/6/07