Quail Hill Conservation Area

Property Name: Quail Hill Conservation Area

Description: Recovering forested land. The land borders on Derry Recreational trail, the former North South Railroad line. The land has several hiking trails.

Click here for a map of the Quail Hill Conservation Area.

Size: 17.6 Acres (3 parcels)

Public Uses: Hiking, Cross Country Skiing, Nature, and Hunting. 

Location: Western part of town, along the Derry Recreational Trail (North/South Railroad line)

Access Via: Tiger Tail Circle or Bowers Road and Derry Recreation Trail

History: The 6 acre parcel is a former gravel pit that was deeded to the town for non-payment of taxes. The gravel pit area has re-vegetated itself over the years. The 10 acre and 1 acre parcels were conveyed to the town by developers at the request of the Planning Board. The Planning Board's suggested purpose for the land was for recreation.

A Sub-Committee of Conservation Commission and neighbors and residents has been established to manage the land.


Updated 9/13/07