Derry Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System General Permit (MS4GP)

EPA Designated MS4 Areas in Derry, NH shown as red crosshatched areaThe US EPA MS-4 Stormwater Permit was issued in January, 2017. The permit covers stormwater discharges into waterways in urbanized portions of New Hampshire, and requires identification of illicit discharges and mitigation of non-point source pollution.

The permit came into effect on July 1, 2018. Timelines contained in the permit require the town to issue a Notice of Intent (NOI) indicating our plans to comply with permit requirements, and development of a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) that implements the tasks outlined in the NOI. The goal of the program is to address non-point source pollution of our waterways, and to adopt measures that will protect and enhance water quality. 

The Town filed the NOI on September 28, 2018. The Town's NOI also proposed exemptions from certain implied impairments and alledged applicable jurisdiction and provided justification for those exemptions. 

The town prepared the SWMP prior to July 1, 2019 pending approval from EPA to discharge. 

On August 21, 2019, the EPA granted the town authorization to discharge stormwater in accordance with the MS4 Permit.

Residents will see outreach and education materials from the Environmental Division about how to help improve water quality in our community. Outreach topics are expected to focus on pet waste, yard waste, household waste, and fertilizer use.