Fleet Maintenance

M1 vehicle
Address: Apparatus Maintenance Facility
                  1 Municipal Drive
                  Derry, NH 03038
Maintenance Facility: (603) 434-3017


The fire department Apparatus Maintenance Facility is located on Municipal Drive in the rear of the police station. It is staffed by one full-time mechanic.

Services provided at the facility range from drop in service or repair requests, to fully monitored and scheduled preventive maintenance programs.

Fire department mechanics are required to be certified as Emergency Vehicle Technicians by the EVT Certification Commission. Work is generally performed in a well-equipped fire department maintenance facility. However, at times the mechanic may be required to perform repairs in the fire stations or, in an emergency situation, at the incident scene. The mechanic is responsible for maintenance and repair of all apparatus, vehicles, and equipment. The mechanic performs annual pumper service tests, hose tests, and ground ladder tests to applicable NFPA Standards. The mechanic performs minor paint and body repairs and fabricates parts as required.